Edogun Precious

We will satisfy you with our commitment

Edogun Precious

Sales Relationship Officer
  • info@cmwpropertieslimited.com
  • 09160942629
  • Suite 27-29 Richland Mall Lekki - Epe Expressway Ajah, Lagos.

Edogun Precious

Edogun Precious is a graduate from the prestigious Ambrose Alli University with a degree in Architecture.

Throughout her years in school, she worked part time in local businesses, where she developed a passion for sales, marketing and customer services.

After school,She answered the clarion call to serve her nation. During her service year she worked with Light Architects, a lighting company, where she integrated her knowledge of architecture. She was also part of the sales and marketing team at the same company and sometime a digital strategist/marketing officer.
As part of the community development program,she was part of a health group where she carried out sensitization of the general public.

Her love for Urban development and society growth has led her to pursue a career in Real Estate. One of her favourite quotes is by Louis Glickman which states “The best investment on earth, is earth.

As a sales relationship officer with CMW Properties Ltd, she shares responsibilities with other members of the sales team in building and maintaining relationships with realtors, prospects and clients.

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(10am - 05 pm)
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