About us

We’re a global stakeholder relations and customer centric

CMW Properties Ltd a distinguished real estate company, that specialize in delivering comprehensive marketing, advisory, and developmental services spanning the entire spectrum of the real estate value chain, not only in Nigeria and hope to also extend same throughout the vast landscape of Africa.


Our unwavering commitment to excellence sets us apart – we refuse to compromise in our pursuit of providing unparalleled services. When you choose to invest with us, rest assured that our dedication to delivering the utmost quality ensures that our clients consistently attain the finest outcomes.

Navigating the intricate world of real estate demands expertise at every stage. We pride ourselves on being a one-stop solution, offering not just a range of services but a synergy that elevates your investment experience. Whether you seek strategic marketing initiatives, insightful advisory services, or innovative developmental solutions, we stand poised to meet your diverse needs.

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In Nigeria and beyond, our footprint extends across borders, reflecting our ambition to contribute significantly to the evolution of real estate landscapes throughout Nigeria. Our team of seasoned professionals possesses a deep understanding of local markets, ensuring that our recommendations and strategies are tailored to the unique dynamics of each region.

What sets us apart is not just the promise of excellence but the tangible results that accompany it. Our clients enjoy the assurance of achieving optimal outcomes, thanks to our meticulous approach and a proven track record of success. Embracing innovation, we consistently adapt to the evolving real estate terrain, positioning ourselves as leaders in the industry.

In essence, we are more than a real estate company – we are your trusted partners in the journey of maximizing real estate potential, shaping landscapes, and redefining success. Invest with us, and experience the assurance of not just participating in the real estate market but excelling in it.


Our vision is to be the leading real estate service provider company in Nigeria, and the chosen place of hiring the real estate professionals to realize their real estate dreams. We’ll consistently strive to develop collaborative partnerships. providing only the best real estate deals to suit our client and prospect.


We’re dedicated to achieving our vision by creating an energetic, positive, results-driven work environment focused on the investment and development of long-term relationships in real estate. We measure our success based on the outcome of the result delivered to our clients. And also to express the same in all the regions in Nigeria and internationally.


Integrity, communication, commitment, and customer-centrism are the core values that we express throughout every activity we undertake. By listening and taking time to understand feedback and needs from our clients.

We position our clients at the forefront of our dealings and services.

Our exceptional services in the past has earned us some very valuable clients, we hope you join the train.

Honesty, Integrity and Accuracy are our watchwords.

With us, your search for genuine landed properties stops.

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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