

Some individuals in the early 1990s and 2000s were smart to invest in the then growing cities, while some individuals were reluctant to invest in these cities with very high appreciation potentials, giving various excuses, some made the bold step to invest their funds in the then IKOYI, LEKKI, VICTORIA ISLAND AND AJAH axis of Lagos.

Today, these smart individuals are smiling to the bank to earn hundreds of millions from proceeds of sale of their plot(s) of land, while some are earning multi – millions from renting a single apartment.

Another opportunity of such opportunity is Royal Gate Estate, Ilara, Epe Lagos State, Nigeria. This highly promising estate location is in just a walk from the Augustine University,Ilara, Epe, other closest landmarks are : Yaba College of Technology(Epe Campus) and Lagos Model College Igbonla with many many high earned properties already selling for higher prices at the moment.

Do not let this great opportunity pass you by, make the decision to invest in Royal Gate today and you will be glad you did in the very near future.

Estate Amenities.

Contemporary Gatehouse
Perimeter Fencing
Solar Power Street Lighting
Portable Water
Paved entrance road
Earth Road
Beautiful Estate Layout

Major Landmarks:

Key Haven Estates
Epe Resort and Spa
Augustine University,Ilara
Yaba Tech, Epe Campus
Michael Otedola Housing Estate
Lagos State University of Education (LASUED)
Lagos State Model College, Igbonla, Epe
And many more,


500SQM – N4M
Documentation Fee: N500,000
Developmental Fee: N1,000,000
Total Package N5.5M

300SQM – N2.5M
Documentation Fee: N400,000
Developmental Fee: N500,000
Total Package: N3.4M

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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