Silver Prime Estate


Silver Prime Estate Epe, Lagos

Experience modernity, glamour, and elegance in this era with an amazing opportunity for aspiring landowners and homeowners. Introducing Silver Prime Estate, located in Agodo Epe, which fulfills the needs of individuals seeking an affordable, yet genuine piece of land. This masterpiece guarantees high returns on investment within a short period of time.

Investing in Silver Prime Estate in Epe has numerous benefits, including being just a 15-minute drive from the proposed international airport, guaranteeing over 100% appreciation in 12 months, a secured investment, complete dryland, flat and table land topography, a peaceful and fast-growing community, and much more.

Guarantees more than 100% appreciation in 12 months.

Secured Investment

Complete Dryland

Flat and Table Land Topography

Peaceful and Fast Growing Community

And lots more…

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Estate Amenities.

Contemporary Gatehouse
Perimeter Fencing
Solar Power Street Lighting
Portable Water
Paved entrance road
Earth Road
Beautiful Estate Layout

Major Landmarks:

Key Haven Estates
Epe Resort and Spa
Augustine University,Ilara
Yaba Tech, Epe Campus
Michael Otedola Housing Estate
Lagos State University of Education (LASUED)
Lagos State Model College, Igbonla, Epe
And many more,


Full Plot 500sqm N2,500,000
Documentation Fee: N400,000
Development Fee: N600,000
Total Package: N3.5M

N1,300,000 for a half plot of 300 sqm.
Documentation Fee: N300,000
Developmental Fee: N500,000
Total Package: N2,100,000

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