Top Ville Estate Phase 2



There are many investment options but investing in genuine real estate products remains the best investment anyone can make.

Contrary to the believe of many people that you need a lot of money before you can own a land, Here, we bring out very affordable yet genuine lands to you.

With our track records of timely delivery of our estates, TopVille Phase 2 will not be different, Promises 70 – 100% appreciation in one year.

This is a golden opportunity that you should not let it pass you by.
TopVille Estate Phase 2, is located in Okenla Tomoba Epe

(Available in Acres)

What you’ll get:

– 100% Dry Land
– Instant Allocation
– 100% ROI In 12 Months
– etc…

Estate Amenities.

Contemporary Gatehouse
Perimeter Fencing
Solar Power Street Lighting
Portable Water
Paved entrance road
Earth Road
Beautiful Estate Layout

Major Landmarks:

Key Haven Estates
Epe Resort and Spa
Augustine University,Ilara
Yaba Tech, Epe Campus
Michael Otedola Housing Estate
Lagos State University of Education (LASUED)
Lagos State Model College, Igbonla, Epe
And many more,


500sqm is N900,000 only
Documentation Fee: N300,000
Developmental Fee: N500,000

Total Package: N1.700,000M

Half Plot
300sqm is N600,000
Documentation Fee N250k
Developmental Fee N350k

Total Package N1,200,000

Download Subscription Form Here

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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